Monday, December 21, 2020

You Can Set Mobile Game Graphics With Game Tuner

We have seen various attempts to make mobile device as a device gaminghardcore‘. For example, in order to overcome the inconvenience of the touch screen, there are now many options available controller Bluetooth. But is it possible for us to tamper with the sides software from device, for example to maximize one aspect of the game, similar setting graphical menu on a PC?

Samsung Electronics has the answer. We know they are getting serious recently mobile gaming. In June, Samsung introduced Game Recorder + with capabilities similar to the XSplit Gamecaster. And this time they revealed Game Tuner, a the app which gives users flexibility setting in-game graphics as well as presenting ways to save battery.

Basically, Game Tuner will inform the user which games are most demanding for power. Then it allows us to reduce the resolution size and rate game frame rate. That way, the battery can last longer, and can even help reduce temperature levels. Frame rate can be changed from 15fps to 60fps, depending on the system requirements.

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How to use it is not difficult, Samsung has written the codes device which is supported. Game Tuner is compatible with all types of Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy S6 Edge +, but only some types of Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge. After the app downloaded, you are welcome to choose the preset to apply to the entire game title or we can customize the resolution as well frame rate each.

In order for the Game Tuner to work, Samsung warns that GameService is always activated. Even though the model name has been written, the application may not be able to run yet. The solution is with software update, and if it’s still not accessible, you need to be patient waiting for the next update.

The Game Tuner menu is very easy to navigate. It detects games installed on device, presenting frame rate slider as well as resolutions, as well as standard visual options – high, medium, low, extremelow. Done configuring, you are good tap button launch to play right away. Adjustment of settings goes both ways: to decrease or increase the quality. Setting FPS is useful in case you run into a problem stuttering.

Game Tuner you can directly download for free at Google Play Store. Just make sure handset You walk on platform Android 5.0 Lollipop or later.

Via Tech Times.

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