Pubg Desert Eagle. Silah tüm haritalarda mevcut olacak, ancak School, Rozhok, Pochinki ve. The Deagle (aka Desert Eagle) is a pistol type weapon in BATTLEGROUNDS.
I think it`s a good idea an many people miss this good pistol in this game. 👍LIKE For more pubg mobile videos👍 Comment what type of video you want next (tips, tricks, how to For business: Видео WINNING WITH THE DESERT EAGLE?
PUBG'ye yeni silah Desert Eagle (Deagle), yeni tank, kenarlara tutunma, telsiz mesajı ve çok daha fazla içerik geliyor! Şu an test sunucusunda olan güncelleme çok yakında ana sunucuya eklenecek ve.
One of the most potent pistols made available in the PUBG Mobile game is the Desert Eagle. The Deagle (Also known as desert eagle) is a high damage up-close-and-personal weapon, but with the Laser Sight. YENİ SİLAH SİSTEMİ GELDİ VE DESERT EAGLE ( DEAGLE ) İNCELEME PUBG Mobile x GAME FOR PEACE. Главная/.