Monday, December 21, 2020

Blizzard Shares Info About Equipment and Skills in Diablo IV

Entering the end of the year, Blizzard Entertainment revealed update info for one of the projects games which they are developing: Diablo IV. In the last info (for 2020-red), they discuss about one important feature in gameplaynamely: equipment.

apart from skill and stats, the power possessed by the player’s character comes from item – to be exact from equipment used. To that end, Blizzard has made some adjustments regarding this matter. The first is that there is a difference attack speed each type of weapon, as shown below.

Gamers could see that the Sorceress who wore Wand-type weapons had a faster attack than those wielding Staff-type weapons. It should be noted that in Diablo IV, this has its own pros and cons. With a Wand, gamer can attack and reposition itself faster, but its attacks are weak. While Staff, even though his attacks were slow, damage the resulting higher.

Each type of weapon also has its own characteristics. For example, all Shield types have an advantage in Block Value that types don’t have equipment other. Besides, every equipment has additional effects that differ according to the type (Magic, Rare, Legendary, Unique).

Blizzard also provides more detail about skill in Diablo IV. In previous discussion, gamer found that skill can be used as an active or passive attack. Now, it is explained that many skill give additional effect if stats certain belongings of your character are sufficient. Take the Barbarian Whirlwind, for example, who gives bonus effect if his Dexterity and Strength reached a certain amount.

Through this adjustment, gamer must be more selective in allocating Stats Points and Skill Points as your character levels up. Indeed, as in Diablo III, Blizzard will give the ability toreset points that have been used, and are now infinitely. However, the price to do so is not cheap.

Clearer discussion can be seen via the link the following. Diablo IV is scheduled to attend platform PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, although we don’t have an exact release date yet. [Aseek]

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