Monday, December 21, 2020

50,000 Damage! This is the Painful Aurora Build in Mobile Legends

Aurora is one of the most sick Mage heroes who have been in Mobile Legends for a long time. This Aurora Hero has a very large Crowd Control and Damage. Because of the amount of damage that Aurora has, she is able to counter agile heroes like Fanny, Lancelot and Ling.

To make Aurora very deadly and painful when used, it needs to be supported with the right Aurora build. Well, this time want to discuss the painful build of Aurora in Mobile Legends 2020. Want to know what are the items? Come on, just look at the following reviews until they run out!

Recommendation for the Painful Aurora Build in Mobile Legends

The image above is a recommendation for Build Aurora Mobile Legends that you can use. With the support of this Build, Aurora will have very painful damage and easily finish off her enemies. The following is an explanation of the items that support the painful Aurora Build in Mobile Legends.

1. Demon Shoes

The first Aurora item to buy was Demon Shoes. As a hero with very slow movements, this Demon Shoes item is a must-have for Aurora. In addition to providing additional movement speed, Demon Shoes can also recover mana from Aurora by 10% every time Aurora eliminates an enemy hero or gets Assist.

2. Lightning Truncheon

The next item that Aurora must buy is the Lightning Truncheon. This item is a Magic item that will provide additional Magic Damage Aurora so that the attack is getting sicker.

In addition, this item also has a passive ability, that is, every time it inflicts damage to the opponent, there will be electricity that bounces off and gives 20-1000 Magic Damage depending on where Aurora is.

3. Fleeting Time

The next Magic Aurora item is Fleeting Time. This item is able to reduce Aurora’s Cooldown Reduction so that it can make her spam skills.

In addition, Fleeting Time can also reduce the cooldown of the Ultimate Aurora skill by 30% every time Aurora successfully eliminates or gives Assitss.

4. Holy Crystal

The next item that must be bought for Aurora is Holy Crystal. Holy Crystal item is a Magic item that will give Magic Power and increase Magic Attack Aurora.

With this item, Aurora will have a very strong Magic Damage. Even with just one combo, the opponent’s hero can immediately die by Aurora.

5. Divine Glaive

In order to make Aurora sicker when used, the next item you have to buy is Divine Glaive. This Divine Glaive item is very deadly when used by Aurora, even if the opponent has a very high Magic Defense, this item is able to penetrate the Magic Defense.

6. Blood Wings

The last complementary item for Aurora is Blood Wings. This item is an item that will give Aurora’s attack power the sicker and the addition of HP that makes Aurora stronger.

Well, that’s it. Build Aurora Mobile Legends hurts according to So what do you think? Are you interested in trying it or not? Oh yes, if you want to Top Up Diamond Mobile Legends. You just go straight Top Up Diamond Mobile Legends at

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